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Books That Make You Podcast

Books That Make You is a channel about all things bookish. Home to the The Books That Make You show with host Desiree Duffy of Black Chateau Enterprises. Where she discuses books with authors and experts, unraveling the inner pages of all the books that help make us who we are. BTMY also live streams bookish events as well as posting author readings and bookish contest on

Jul 29, 2020

History has enshrined the legacy of civil rights activist Cesar Chavez, and his spirit certainly hovers around the gripping new historical fiction novel “The Road to Delano”, by John DeSimone. The story gives us Jack Duncan, who dreams of playing baseball and in college and putting in his rearview mirror all the...

Jul 22, 2020

It’s the summer of 1898, and you’re a teenage boy, ready to brave an adventure to Alaska to take on a slew of brutal, greedy adversaries, all hungry for gold. So goes the very journey at the heart of Neil Perry Gordon’s “Hope City”.

A prolific and respected historical fiction novelist, Neil has written several...

Jul 15, 2020

Speculative fiction can take us on some crazy adventures, replete with commentary. And the authors who take us on such journeys are usually some of the most interesting -- and fun -- to listen to.


Along comes Bill McCormick, author of “The Brittle Riders Trilogy”, which has been described as “Tank Girl” meets...

Jul 8, 2020

Sure, we all get cranky from time to time. Many self-help books are quick to prescribe mindfulness and meditation, to imply there is something wrong with us if we can’t cope with the world. As a result, we feel small, inferior, and, well … cranky.

But what if it was okay to be cranky? And what if I told you that...

Jul 1, 2020

Virtually everyone loves fiction that takes readers to fantastical worlds where heroes, villains, technologies and philosophies clash. And in Ryan Southwick’s thrilling “Z-Tech Chronicles” series, the fantastical meets the ultra-modern.


A tech guy from Silicon Valley, Ryan is a programmer who’s been pivotal...