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Books That Make You Podcast

Books That Make You is a channel about all things bookish. Home to the The Books That Make You show with host Desiree Duffy of Black Chateau Enterprises. Where she discuses books with authors and experts, unraveling the inner pages of all the books that help make us who we are. BTMY also live streams bookish events as well as posting author readings and bookish contest on

Oct 23, 2019

Did you know that even if somebody seems to recover full brain functionality after a concussion, they could have problems later.Following a major or prolonged emotional or physical trauma, the TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) / concussion could easily resurface as a wide array of other illnesses.Think of loved ones in accidents, sports injuries, on the job and more.  

Things like cooking, can be therapy and a great way to eat healthy—you might not think of cooking as being that kind of strategy, but Susana Stoicadoes.  

She wrotethe best-seller “Cooking after Brain Injury: Easy Cooking for Recovery”. She is dedicated to people who are trying to recover from traumatic brain injury (TBI).  This is a new way of cooking that deals with the typical issues related to brain trauma: problems with concentration, sequencing, and figuring out what dishes go together. 

She also wrote: “Heal your Brain, Reclaimyour Life: How to Recover and Thrive after Concussion”,and “Reluctant Healer: An Introduction to Energy Healing”whichwas published in 2016.She is a great resource and has done presentations on brain injury recovery and about alternative healing to nurses, doctors and lay people.  She presented classes, speeches, and workshops to University of Michigan in Ann Arbor medical students, Wayne State University Ph.D. level Social Studies students, University Michigan Holistic Nurses, Kaiser Permanente doctors and nursesand more.