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Books That Make You Podcast

Books That Make You is a channel about all things bookish. Home to the The Books That Make You show with host Desiree Duffy of Black Chateau Enterprises. Where she discuses books with authors and experts, unraveling the inner pages of all the books that help make us who we are. BTMY also live streams bookish events as well as posting author readings and bookish contest on

Aug 24, 2022

Books That Make You and Your Kid Get Ready for Higher Education

It’s so important, helping our children get educated, and guiding them accordingly.

Beth Pickett, author of “The Essential Guide for Busy Parents: College Admissions”, is also the founder of College Prep Counseling, and for more than a decade has been counseling students across the US. Over the years, her clients have earned admission to Harvard, UC Berkeley, Brown, Yale, UCLA, Williams, Stanford, Pomona, UMich, Tulane, Colgate, Cornell and many others.

Herself a graduate of Stanford University, Beth received her Certificate in College Counseling from UCLA, and began working with families as an independent admissions consultant in 2007. Her approach is that students who delve into their interests over high school become happier, more accomplished, and better positioned to submit more compelling college applications.

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