May 1, 2024
Books That Make You Wanna Pursue Being an Indie Author
Generally speaking, the more you read, the more you feel that burning urge to write. So what happens these days, when a reader becomes a writer? Chances are, if you’re a new writer, and want to control your vision for your book, your first path into the writing world will be as an indie author. What should you know before venturing into this bountiful, unpredictable territory?
A caffeinated writer, Mama, founder, speaker, trainer and traveler, Chelle Honiker is the Managing Partner of Athenia Creative Services, LLC, which includes Athenia Creative, Athenia Marketing and Athenia Training. Some of Athenia’s notable projects include:
Book Cover Auctions
Indie Author Tools
Indie Author Magazine
Author Automations
More than anything, as an advocate for the empowerment of authorpreneurs, Chelle recognizes the importance of authors taking charge of both their craft and careers.
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