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Books That Make You Podcast

Books That Make You is a channel about all things bookish. Home to the The Books That Make You show with host Desiree Duffy of Black Chateau Enterprises. Where she discuses books with authors and experts, unraveling the inner pages of all the books that help make us who we are. BTMY also live streams bookish events as well as posting author readings and bookish contest on

Sep 27, 2023

Books That Make You Rich—Then Send You Walking New York Streets with Madwomen

As with all creatives, authors have many angles and interests. They can cross genre boundaries, producing books that, while superficially different from one another, harbor a thematic through-line—if you look hard enough.  


Sep 20, 2023

Books That Make You and Your Kids Better Connect Connecting with their Hidden Potential and Greatness

It’s important that kids come to recognize the true depths of their potential, before the world’s “limiting stories” begin bombarding them, poisoning them from achieving what they hope—and...

Sep 15, 2023

Books That Make You Enter a World of Old Occult Objects You Definitely Should Not Mess With

We all love cautionary tales that warn of the things that shouldn’t be messed with. So what happens when you mix horror and suspense with timeless topics like family, family history and the specter of potentially losing it...